Tuesday, November 04, 2008

British Sea Power

There's something quite fitting about seeing British Sea Power in a setting such as the Roundhouse. Certainly the most inventive use that a disused railway shed has been put to, it seems a natural home for a band who recorded their last album in a disused water tower.

The set starts with a taped rendition of 'All In It', drifts into a live version of 'Men Together Today' backed by the London Bulgarian Choir and then really bursts into life with 'Apologies to Insect Life', 'Atom', 'Remember Me' and a subline rendition of 'Oh Larsen B'.

After that, the set loses it's way slightly. 'Waving Flags' is functional and there's an extended section where Hamilton takes lead vocals which is marred by the strange fact that he can't seem to hit any of the low notes. Indeed, for all of the rave reviews that 'Do You Like Rock Music?' received, it is the older songs which really set the place alight tonight. 'Carrion' and 'Fear of Drowning' receive the most rapturous receptions of the night.

As always with BSP, it is the encore which finds them at their very best. Hamilton finally finds form with a thunderous 'No Lucifer' before an even more extended than usual 'Lately' morphs into 'Rock in A', complete with a rampaging Ursine Ultra, Noble stagediving in a flying helmet and Hamilton parading a distinctly unamused Abi Fry around on his shoulders. There might still be soft spots in their set, but there's no denying the power of BSP.


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